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The Biggest Risk I Didn't Take

People who know me would say I'm ballsy, that I'm a risk taker, a dreamer, a hard-worker, and willing to make tough decisions.

No doubt about it, I've made some hard choices in my life -- physically, spiritually, relationally, and professionally.

I once climbed a third story balcony only to have the spindles snap off as I was pulling my leg up to the deck. I fell those three stories, landing square on my low back, and walking away pretty much unscathed (that's a big story).

At 29, I committed my lift to Christ, which reframed everything in my life and softened my hardened heart from selfishness and sin.

I've ended some very serious relationships and dealt with consequences. But it was the right thing to do.

I moved to a new city, knowing no one, and started a business.

I'm not afraid of risk. But what's the biggest risk I haven't taken? What's the one thing I stared down, but couldn't pull the trigger on? What was the thing that was SO SCARY that there was no way I could do it?

It was the choice to NOT continue my career in politics.

In that career... I was comfortable, I was making good money, had the potential to make lots of money, I didn't have to stress, I didn't have to work that hard, I held positions of prominence, I was making big time decisions.

I had all that laid out in front of me, but I couldn't take that RISK pursuing.

What was the risk in pursuing that career?

The risk was leaving my untapped potential on the back burner. Of leaving my dreams unfulfilled. Of having the deep longings and passions of my heart ignored. Of having my God-given gifts not used to bless others. Ultimately, on my death bed, I would have had the nagging question of "could I have made it..."

Think of how much I would have LOST by staying comfortable. I could have had all the worldly standards of success, without really working that hard, but without TRULY accomplishing anything that fulfills my heart.

I would have LOST the pride of building a business from nothing. I would have LOST the opportunity to mentor youth. LOST the fulfillment of executing a strength training program for kids to win championships. I would have LOST the educational opportunities, meeting inspiring people, perfecting my craft, and doing things I don't like to do but doing what it takes to help others thrive.

So when people ask me, How could you take such a big risk becoming a coach?

To me, the bigger risk was staying where I was; in not accomplishing what I was put on Earth to do.

The bigger risk was taking the meandering path that ultimately ended at my death bed wondering, "what if." That's the risk I wasn't willing to take.

What's the risk you're not willing to take? What's the gift you're not willing to stay hidden?

What's the thing you're going to think "what if" about--physically, spiritually, relationally, professionally? Pursue that. It's not a risk. It's NOT pursuing it that's the risk.

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